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Rio de Janeiro is divided up into districts with each district having several neighborhoods. There are a few neighborhoods that are very popular and with locals and tourists alike. These neighborhoods have the best attractions, beaches, restaurants and nightlife.


Rio de Janeiro is divided up into districts with each district having several neighborhoods. There are a few neighborhoods that are very popular and with locals and tourists alike. These neighborhoods have the best attractions, beaches, restaurants and nightlife.

Obra Nova

LA GUINEU – Xalet obra nova

450.000 €
Aquest xalet de nova construcció és perfecte per establir-se en una zona tranquil·la, amb ...
Molt bon estat

MONTANYÀ – Planta baixa amb piscina

370.000 €
Planta baixa 4 vents al Montanyà (Seva) d’orientació sud amb grans vistes. Compta am ...
4 2 163 m2detalles
Bon estat

VIC – Pis a l’Horta Vermella

210.000 €
RESERVAT Magnífic pis ubicat a la zona horta vermella a tocar del teatre Atlàntida i a 5 m ...
3 2 89 m2detalles
Nova construcció

TONA – Terreny urbanitzable

68.000 €
Terreny de 160 m² ideal per construir-hi la casa dels teus somnis! Aquesta parcel·la és pe ...
159 m2detalles
Nova construcció
Obra Nova

TARADELL – Nova construcció

435.000 €
Avui us portem uns immobles que no us deixaran indiferents. 4 cases adossades de 160 m². N ...
3 3 166 m2detalles
Nova construcció
Obra Nova

TARADELL – Nova construcció

375.000 €
Avui us portem uns immobles que no us deixaran indiferents. 4 cases adossades de 160 m². N ...
3 3 166 m2detalles


Rio de Janeiro is divided up into districts with each district having several neighborhoods. There are a few neighborhoods that are very popular and with locals and tourists alike. These neighborhoods have the best attractions, beaches, restaurants and nightlife.


Rio de Janeiro is divided up into districts with each district having several neighborhoods. There are a few neighborhoods that are very popular and with locals and tourists alike. These neighborhoods have the best attractions, beaches, restaurants and nightlife.

0 Listados


20 Listados

El Remei

4 Listados

Horta Vermella

3 Listados

0 Listados


0 Listados


Rio de Janeiro is divided up into districts with each district having several neighborhoods. There are a few neighborhoods that are very popular and with locals and tourists alike. These neighborhoods have the best attractions, beaches, restaurants and nightlife.

The WP Estate team delivered on that expectation and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is in the market to buy a home
Name Here, happy client
The WP Estate team delivered on that expectation and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is in the market to buy a home
Name Here, happy client
The WP Estate team delivered on that expectation and I would highly recommend them to anyone who is in the market to buy a home
Name Here, happy client

Contacta Servimur

Plaça de la Sardana - Local M, 08500 Vic (Barcelona)

Horari d'obertura

Dilluns a Dijous 9:30h a 13:30h i 16h a 19h
Divendres 9:30h a 15:00h
Dissabte i Diumenge Tancat
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